Monday, July 30, 2007

Hacking Speedy

Saya pernah merasa tertantang ada seorang anak di mirc Allnetwork merasa dirinya hebat, lalu saya mencoba checking ip nya, ternyata percuma kita ddos karena IP dia random setiap sekali down ip dia ganti.
Dan jangan lupa, bahwa setiap ID itu berdasarkan Line telepon. Setau saya seh begitu, jadi kalau kita hack usernya, sama aja jadi selusin. Gimana Ya kita bobol server nya ihhiihihihih…
co_exmud is User10@125.164.***.***. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it * Ashof Yusiko

co_exmud on #surabaya #Malang
Saya akan mencoba masuk ke server dia karena saya lihat dari ident nya dia User10 berarti tidak jauh dia main di warnet dia user hehehe Allnet kan orangnya begitu tau dikit udah maju …. hi hi hi hi
setau saya semuanya user speedy memakai Modem kalau enngak salah ya, Jadi dia mempunyai web basic untuk meremote atau mensetnya..

http://125.164.***.***/ <<>

Dam…. masuk kita ke modem mereka dah sekarang kita mau mendapatkan password dan Login nya kita dump ..

create user name admin passwd password root
size maxvc 8 max1483vc 8 maxppe 8 maxl2tptunnel 1 maxl2tpsesspertunnel 1 maxl2tppeerrws 4
modify system contact “Conexant Inc.,100 Schulz Drive, Red Bank,NJ 07701,U.S.A” model “H90″ location “Conexant Inc.,100 Schulz Drive, Red Bank,NJ 07701,U.S.A” vendor “Conexant Inc.,100 Schulz Drive, Red Bank,NJ 07701,U.S.A” logthresh 1 systime “Jan 01 01:01:08 1970″ timezone “GMT” magicnum 125
modify bridge mode enable
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 15 ifname private dir in act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 16 ifname private act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 17 ifname private dir in act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 18 ifname private act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 19 ifname private dir in act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid ifname private act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 21 ifname private dir in act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 22 ifname private act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 23 ifname private dir in act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 24 ifname private act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 25 ifname private dir in act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 26 ifname private act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 27 ifname private dir in act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 28 ifname private act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 29 ifname private dir in act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 30 ifname private act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 31 ifname private dir in act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 32 ifname private act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 33 ifname private dir in act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 34 ifname private act deny
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 35 ifname private dir in act callmgmt
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 36 ifname dmz dir in act callmgmt
create pfraw rule entry ruleid 37 dir in act callmgmt
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 15 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt range 0×8863 0×8864
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 16 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt range 0×8863 0×8864
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 17 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFFFFFF start iph offset 16 enable cmpt range 0xE0000000 0xEFFFFFFF
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 18 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFFFFFF start iph offset 16 enable cmpt range 0xE0000000 0xEFFFFFFF
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 19 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt eq 0×8035
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt eq 0×8035
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 21 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt eq 0×809B
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 22 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt eq 0×809B
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 23 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt lteq 0×05DC
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 23 subruleid 2 mask 0xFFFF offset 14 enable cmpt eq 0xF0F0
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 24 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt lteq 0×05DC
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 24 subruleid 2 mask 0xFFFF offset 14 enable cmpt eq 0xF0F0
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 25 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt range 0×8137 0×8138
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 26 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt range 0×8137 0×8138
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 27 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF offset 0 enable cmpt eq 0×0180C00000
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 28 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF offset 0 enable cmpt eq 0×0180C00000
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 29 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt eq 0×0806
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 30 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt eq 0×0806
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 31 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 0 enable cmpt eq 0×3333
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 32 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 0 enable cmpt eq 0×3333
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 33 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt eq 0×8100
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 34 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt eq 0×8100
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 35 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt range 0×8863 0×8864
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 36 subruleid 1 mask 0xFFFF offset 12 enable cmpt range 0×8863 0×8864
create pfraw subrule entry ruleid 37 subruleid 1 mask 0xFF offset 15 enable cmpt eq 0xA7
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1002 dir in act accept destaddr eq transprot eq num 17 destport eq num 67 seclevel high
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1010 dir in destaddr bcast seclevel high
create ipf rule entry ruleid 10 dir in destaddr eq seclevel high
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1030 ifname private dir in act accept storestate enable seclevel high medium low
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1040 ifname private dir out act accept srcaddr self storestate enable seclevel high medium low
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1050 ifname private dir out act accept transprot eq num 17 destport eq num 53 inifname dmz storestate enable seclevel high medium low
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1060 ifname private dir out act accept transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 53 inifname dmz storestate enable seclevel high medium low
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1070 ifname private dir out act accept transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 25 inifname dmz storestate enable seclevel high medium low
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1080 ifname private dir out act accept transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 110 inifname dmz storestate enable seclevel high medium low
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1090 ifname private dir out act accept transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 21 inifname dmz storestate enable seclevel medium low
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1100 ifname private dir out act accept transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 80 inifname dmz storestate enable seclevel medium low
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1110 ifname private dir out act accept transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 23 inifname dmz storestate enable
create ipf rule entry ruleid 11 ifname private dir out act accept transprot eq num 1 inifname dmz storestate enable
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1130 ifname dmz dir out transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 23 inifname private seclevel high
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1140 ifname dmz dir out transprot eq num 17 destport eq num 53 inifname public seclevel high
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1150 ifname dmz dir out transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 53 inifname public seclevel high
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1160 ifname dmz dir out transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 21 inifname public seclevel high
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1170 ifname dmz dir out transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 23 inifname public seclevel high medium low
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1180 ifname dmz dir out transprot eq num 1 inifname public seclevel high medium
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1190 ifname public dir out transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 23 seclevel high
create ipf rule entry ruleid 10 ifname public dir out act accept srcaddr self storestate enable seclevel high medium low
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1210 ifname public dir in destaddr bcast seclevel medium
create ipf rule entry ruleid 12 ifname public dir in destaddr eq seclevel medium
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1230 ifname public dir in transprot eq num 17 destport eq num 7 seclevel high medium
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1240 ifname public dir in transprot eq num 17 destport eq num 9 seclevel high medium
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1250 ifname public dir in transprot eq num 17 destport eq num 19 seclevel high medium
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1260 ifname public dir in destaddr self transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 80 seclevel high medium low
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1270 ifname public dir in destaddr self transprot eq num 17 destport eq num 53 seclevel high
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1280 ifname public dir in destaddr self transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 53 seclevel high
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1290 ifname public dir in destaddr self transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 21 seclevel high medium low
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1300 ifname public dir in destaddr self transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 23 seclevel high medium low
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1310 ifname public dir in destaddr self transprot eq num 1 seclevel high medium
create ipf rule entry ruleid 13 ifname public dir in act accept destaddr self transprot eq num 17 destport eq num 53 storestate enable seclevel medium low
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1330 ifname public dir in act accept destaddr self transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 53 storestate enable seclevel medium low
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1340 ifname public dir in seclevel high isipopt yes
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1350 ifname public dir in seclevel high isfrag yes
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1360 ifname dmz dir in destaddr self transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 80 seclevel high medium
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1370 ifname dmz dir in destaddr self transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 21 seclevel high medium
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1380 ifname dmz dir in destaddr self transprot eq num 6 destport eq num 23 seclevel high medium
create ipf rule entry ruleid 1390 ifname dmz dir in act accept storestate enable seclevel high medium low

modify ipf global pubdefact accept pvtdefact deny dmzdefact accept
modify dhcp server cfg enable
create dhcp server pool start-ip poolid 0 end-ip mask
modify snmp trap disable
create rip intf ifname ppp-0
create ethernet intf ifname eth-0 ip mask
create usb intf ifname usb-0 ip mask
modify ip cfg ttl 64
modify dsl config adsl2plusauto annex adsl2plus framing-3et maxbits 15 rxstart 6 rxend 511 duallatency disable ecfdmmode ec maxdnrate 0×1ff autosraenable disable advcapability annexa adsl2 adsl2plus t1413
create atm port enable ifname atm-0 maxvc 8 oamsrc 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
create ppp security ifname default
create ppp security ifname ppp-0 login *****@telkom.netThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it passwd (saya Hidden) he he he kasihan nanti
create atm trfdesc trfindex 0
create atm vc intf ifname aal5-0 lowif atm-0 vpi 0 vci 35 a5maxproto 2
create ppp intf ifname ppp-0 mru 1492 lowif aal5-0 droute true ppoe outside usedns true
modify nat global enable
create nat rule entry ruleid 1 napt
create alg port portno 21 prot num 6 algtype ftp
create alg port portno 1701 prot num 17 algtype l2tp
create alg port portno 1723 prot num 6 algtype pptp
create alg port portno 554 prot num 6 algtype rtsp
create alg port portno 7070 prot num 6 algtype ra
create alg port portno 7648 prot num 6 algtype cuseeme
create alg port portno 1719 prot num 17 algtype h323_ras
create alg port portno 17 prot num 6 algtype h323_q931
create alg port portno 6661 prot num 6 algtype mirc
create alg port portno 6662 prot num 6 algtype mirc
create alg port portno 6663 prot num 6 algtype mirc
create alg port portno 6664 prot num 6 algtype mirc
create alg port portno 6665 prot num 6 algtype mirc
create alg port portno 6666 prot num 6 algtype mirc
create alg port portno 6667 prot num 6 algtype mirc
create alg port portno 6668 prot num 6 algtype mirc
create alg port portno 6669 prot num 6 algtype mirc
create alg port portno 161 prot num 17 algtype snmp
create alg port portno 407 prot num 17 algtype timbuktu
create alg port portno 6301 prot num 17 algtype sgicompcore
create alg port portno 1863 prot num 6 upnpaware true algtype msnmsgr
create alg port portno 389 prot num 6 algtype ldap
create alg port portno 1002 prot num 6 algtype ldap
create alg port portno 500 prot num 17 algtype ike
create alg port portno 0 prot num 50 algtype esp
create alg port portno 1503 prot num 6 upnpaware true algtype t1
create alg port portno 5060 upnpaware true algtype sip
create alg port portno 5190 prot num 6 algtype icq
create bridge port intf ifname eth-0
modify stp port info ifname eth-0 priority 0×80 pcost 100
create dhcp relay intf ifname ppp-0
create igmp intf ifname ppp-0 host
modify autodetect cfg prot ppoe eoa
modify upnp cfg nbstatus enable
modify ilmi access protocol ifname atm-0 vpi 0 vci 35 proto any
trigger ilmi

Dah Di atas tersebut hasil dump saya tidak bisa menunjukan bagaimana cara dump tsb karena saya takut kawan kawan yang mempunyai etika jelek merusak atau menyalah gunakan dari artikel ini..
oke sekarang kan logikanya satu line satu user jadi enngak mungkin kita masuk ke user mereka sekarang kita cobak tembus ke main routernya atau server utama Gateway mereka.


Tracing route to []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1>

Trace complete.


Anda bisa lihat saya mencoba meminjam modem dan mencoba di rumah saya hasil nya kita dapat konek dengan access speedy unlimited he he he he

125.164.***.*** <<>

oke bentar saya tanyak ama kawan yang pakai speedy di warnetnya.

Hadi: gus

Hadi: ketik nang dos koyok wingi

juss_orange: hadir

juss_orange: woce

Hadi: tracert

Hadi: paste mrene

Hadi: endi cok

juss_orange: Tracing route to []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1>

2 <1>

3 53 ms 52 ms 53 ms [125.164.***.***]

4 55 ms 52 ms 53 ms []

5 521 ms 425 ms 82 ms [2.67.8.]

6 489 ms 838 ms 607 ms []

Hadi: oke thanks

Itu hasil di warnet jadi GW warnet 125.164.***.*** <<>

sekarang kita cobak masuk ke router telkom pusat Gatewaynya

******************************************************* **

* All rights reserved (1997-04) &n bsp; *

* Without the owner’s prior written consent, *

*no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed.*

******************************************************* **

Login authentication


Note: The max number of VTY users is 5, and the current number

of VTY users on line is 1.

hehehe ITu main router dari 125.164.***.*** Gw personal sekarang kita cobak dari GW warnet apa sama ?

******************************************************* **

* All rights reserved (1997-04) &n bsp; *
* Without the owner’s prior written consent, *
*no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed.*

******************************************************* **

Login authentication


Note: The max number of VTY users is 5, and the current number

of VTY users on line is 1.

Ha ha ha ha rupanya sapa personal ama warnet


User view commands:
bootload Set bootload information
cd &n bsp; Change current directory
clock Specify the system clock
compare Compare function
copy Copy from one file to another
debugging Enable system debugging functions
delete Delete a file
dir List files on a file system
display Display current system information
downsfu Down SFU’s DASL port
fixdisk Recover lost chains in storage device
format Format the device
free Clear user terminal interface
ftp Open FTP connection
language-mode Specify the language environment
lock Lock current user terminal interface
mkdir Create a new directory
more Display the contents of a file
move Move the file
msdp-tracert MSDP traceroute to source RP
mtracert Traceroute to multicast source
net Set net switch mode
patch Patch subcommands
ping Ping function
pwd Display current working directory
quit Exit from current command view
reboot Reboot whole router.
refresh Refresh routes
rename Rename a file or directory
reset Reset operation
rmdir Remove an existing directory
save Save current configuration
schedule schedule system task
send Send information to other user terminal interface
slave Specify HA command
startup Config paramater for system to startup
super Privilege current user a specified priority level
switch Switch communication channel
system-view Enter the system view
telnet Establish one TELNET connection
terminal Set the terminal line characteristics
tftp Open TFTP connection
tracert Trace route function
undelete Recover a deleted file
undo Cancel current setting
unzip Decompress a file
upgrade Online upgrade software
xmodem Receive a file by Xmodem protocol
zip Compress a file

Itu command dari xmodem mereka …..
Oke sekarang kita analisa dari di atas.
Prolink modem biasanya password default mereka login : admin pass: password atau ada merk soho Login : admin : adslroot dll
silakan tergantung kreatifitas anda he he he. Kalau kita dah masuk server itu tergantung kita mau apakan itu hehehe

Written by: Sincan2 at Malanghackerlink Team
Saya di bantu ama Letjen masuk ke main router ini .

Thanks all Crew
Source :
Semua informasi dari webblog ini hanya untuk kepentingan pengetahuan semata. Pengelola tidak bertanggung jawab atas penyalahgunaan informasi dari web blog ini.

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